
Impact of Digital Transformation on Back-end of Agile Retail Organization

Most retail start-ups begin their journey modestly. They operate as a small independent unit with flexible supply chain, an easy-to-manage inventory model and a customer-friendly front-end experience. Their size allows them to stay agile and increase their sales volume rapidly. But with rising sales, they reach a tipping point where they must measure their scale vis-à-vis their agility. At this stage, it becomes necessary for them to create a solid digital backbone and develop a back-end that has the strength to endure exponential growth while being nimble enough to respond faster to customer needs.

But why only the start-ups? If you are an established retailer digital transformation impacts you too. The challenges may be different, but the solution is similar. It is imperative for you to break the legacy of centralised operating system and implement a digital adoption strategy. A simpler and leaner approach designed around customer experience can certainly keep your business going.Whether you are a start-up or an established player – one thing is sure. You need to digitally integrate and support every element of your backend operation that includes planning, supply chain, logistics, finance and procurement to enjoy the benefit of digital transformation services. Choose a digital core that is standardised, scalable and open. It should be an ideal mix of flexibility and stability so that you can cater to your customer needs without compromising on innovation and continually improve your deliverables.

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